Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bikin' With Dad!

One of the many qualities I love about my man is his determination! He's been looking forward to the day he could bike with Daysha and was determined to make it happen! I was hesitant to put her in the trailer as it's recommended that they don't ride until at least 1 year because of "shaken baby." Zane, taking my worries into consideration, decided to put her car seat in and secure it with tie-downs (the car seat is highly recommended over the lame straps we saw in most of the trailers, especially at a younger age), it's worked fabulously and as you can see, she loves it! It's easy to tell when she's content as she falls asleep - ahhhh the life of a babe, what I wouldn't do to crawl inside that trailer, snuggled up in a shooshy blanket, have someone pull me around in the fresh air and take a nap!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Miss Daysha has a Tooth!!

The first tooth has made its appearance! We suspected she's been working on some teeth for a while now, in fact since around Christmas time, and here it is! Even though we suspected it, it was a little surprising to feel it. Just a little corner appeared two days ago and now the whole top of the tooth is out! She's had a tough time sleeping lately so hopefully the other bottom one will accompany soon and she - I mean we - can all get some sleep!! She's, of course, cute as ever and such a happy girl. We are constantly getting comments on how happy she is, in fact we went to Costco today and an older lady came over to talk to her, she was grinning and put her arms out so the old lady held her and couldn't stop commenting on how adorable and happy she is, ok enough doting - we're very proud parents!!