Friday, May 15, 2009

New Dress from Nana Caduto!

Oh my gosh, this little Hawaiian dress Nana Caduto got for Daysha while vacationing in Hawaii is adorable! Ihad to snap a few photos today and share! We've got another tooth coming in, the front central which makes 5 now, boy is teething rough, I feel for the babies, I know what a tooth ache feels like and I'm sure it's nothing compared to what a tooth breaking through the gums, after going up and down for several weeks, feels like :o( She's been a drooling trooper though - she's been doing really great nearly sleeping through the night (she has twice so far in between the teeth), we're working on it! She's crawling like crazy and thinks she's ready to stand and walk - yep, that's right, every chance she has to stand next to something, she does. Crawl baby crawl, for at least another 6 months! Mobile, curious life for an infant is an amazing thing and keeps mom and dad on their toes! Life is great, she's a doll!

Friday, May 8, 2009


So we spent all of April traveling, we went to Utah for almost two weeks, then to Idaho for 10 days and back to Utah for over a week while Zane took his business tests - which he passed with great scores!!! I'm so proud of him, it's alot of work trying to get a contractor's business license -whew will we be glad when it's hanging on the wall! We drove the trip and were amazed at how well Daysha did, we all know how rough it is in a car for several hours and we did a couple days of 10 plus hours, she's a champ! We planned around nap times and had the help of Baby Einstein movies, it all worked out! We were so glad we were able to make it to Idaho for the annual Easter festivities (Daysha's first Peepe's!) with Zane's family, it was a great time. Zane's cousins Justin and Emerald have a daughter, Cyprus, who is about two months older than Daysha, she's soo cute! Can't wait to get back to beautiful Idaho, what an amazing place it is!

See My Foot!

Oh so cute! Daysha is doing great, we've had a few rough days and nights as she has a couple more teeth coming in, from what I understand the most painful ones, the cuspids - that's right, not the upper central teeth I expected to see next! She's now sitting up on her own, crawling and pulling herself up to her knees while holding onto tables or whatever is around - she's mobile! I love this little outfit her Auntie Jill got her, adorable! Blue is definitely one of her colors!