Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Baby Ketchum 5 Month Ultrasound!

Well, I'm not super impressed with the photos we got this time but I guess it's not a photo shoot like I think it should be! So far, so good, we have a healthy baby according to the ultrasound! The baby looked like it was having a pretty good conversation with someone while we were watching on the screen, and was just about to insert it's thumb into it's mouth when the ultrasound was finished, it was pretty cute, I could have watched that screen all day! Can't wait to meet this little one!


WRYUN said...

I love that profile pic! Gonna be a good lookin baby!Can't wait to meet this little one...

Jeff & Elise said...

5 months already! Sheesh! This is so exciting. I hope the wedding plans and falling into place nicely! : )