Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Camera!

So we got a new camera, I've been tinkering with it a bit but there's alot to learn! Here are a few preliminary pics., more professional versions to come once I get it figured out!


bsrogers said...

What a cutie! We can't wait to see her in person. We are so excited to see you guys at Christmas! We love you!

WRYUN said...

Aww, I second their comment!!! I can't believe the color of her eyes, wow. Love you too, can't wait to see you either.

Allyson said...

With babies you want to make sure they are fully fed and ready to sleep. The more relaxed they are the better!!!
go to my blog and at the bottom where it says fun sites check out the pioneer woman and she has a photography section. she's really good at explaining things.
go buy yourself a black and white sheet hang it on your wall and you have yourself a studio.Also laying babies on their tummy will help their legs and arms not fly all over the place. Keep it up it's a lot of fun! Daysha is adorable!

Allyson said...

Also when photgraphing children/babies be at eye level!