Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Beautiful Girl!


WRYUN said...

Wow, she is getting so big!!! I can't believe it. I want to shoosh her so freakin' bad!!!

Jeff & Elise said...

She has such a brightness to her, Like her mommy! : )

Allyson said...

so i just learned some new trick well not tricks but i like i

set your camera to M on your dial
manual mode
hold your button down while looking in the view finder and you'll see some numbers....well change that number with the dial on's your shutter speed wich controls how much light enters the pic. so take a pic and lighten it! try it it's kind of lighten it make your number smaller..try clicking it down 2 numbers at a time and then take another pic...see what happens..keep clicking your shutter speed to another number (speed)
sorry for all the rambling...