Sunday, October 3, 2010

Diamond Mountain Family Campin'!

Back-tracking a bit, we went on the annual family camping trip to Diamond Mountain near Flaming George in July, as usual we had an amazing time hanging out with my Grandma, Aunt Mary, KaChel and Kaylie (the kids adore her!). It's a beautiful place we love to go, lots of good riding, good food and of course, good company! Not all of the family was able to make it this year (we missed you Uncle Matt (got to see him for a couple hours), Aunt Terry and Uncle Lloyd!) Hopefully next year we can get everyone there together! Thanks for such a great trip everyone, especially Mom and Dad for all the great food!! We miss and love everyone, can't wait to see you all again soon we hope!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yay!! an update...Love the pix! Can't wait to see more!