Saturday, June 6, 2009

Last Weekend in Colorado Pics!

Well we've made the move, it was so much work, it's amazing how much "stuff" you own you don't realize until you move. We thankfully had a garage sale the weekend before we left and got rid of that "stuff" - it lightened our load and made us realize - there's something to be said for the simple life...all those things we had to have, we don't miss and can't remember even what they were! We've found a house in Sandy, close to the house Zane owned when he lived here before moving to Colorado. It's a super cool area, from our back porch it looks like you can reach out and grab the mountains - I forgot how close they are everywhere you look here, it's amazing and beautiful! The house we are renting has turned out to be so nice, our landlord is such a great lady, we've been really lucky - she had the entire house re-carpeted the day before we moved in! It's really nice and peace of mind while our little crawler is cruising! She's almost mastered the stairs and is walking around furiture while holding on, I can't believe it! I feel like I always say "I can't believe it" but these little people are amazing and these milestones seem to happen one right after the other. I have to remember that anytime may be the last time I see the things she's doing now and just enjoy every moment!


Jeff & Elise said...

so glad you guys are back!

Anonymous said...

she is just as beautiful, as ever!!
That's what Chris said, but I have to agree. Glad you're back in S L!!
So nice to hear that the new house is working out and can't wait to VISIT!!
Love, Dad & Chris